<aside> 🥟 From Oakland to Alameda, Area 1 consists of 8 high school Interact Clubs. Even though an estuary separates the two cities, the passion for service and unforgettable friendships unite us all together as the Dancing Dumplings. The number of hours volunteering and money fundraised can not go unnoticed without the everlasting support and love from each school, Oakland Rotary #3, and Alameda Rotary! Let us smile our way through the year and shine light on those who need us.


Instagram: @area1interact

Facebook: Area 1 Interact D5170

Remind: Text @area1d5170 to 81010


[Area 1 Officer Directory](https://woolly-ocelot-8c0.notion.site/Area-1-Officer-Directory-e2d69e4d977143e68bb39bd6104c3c7b)

MOM Meeting Slides

Guides to Help Your Club


Media Archive